Pierre Moreau

Moreau Advogados (Brazil)

PIERRE MOREAU is the founding partner of Moreau Advogados (1991) and Casa do Saber (2004), was a member of the supervisory board of Hospital Sírio Libanês (2018), arbitrator of several arbitra????on chambers, member of various family councils and member of administra????ve council of a company listed in B3.

Professor at Insper and visi????ng professor at Universität St. Gallen.

He is the author of several books, such as: A nova geração de CEOs, Grandes Crimes, Grandes Advogados; O Financiamento da Seguridade Social da União Europeia e no Brasil; Fora da Curva 1, 2 e 3.

He holds a Master's and Ph.D degree in Law from PUC-SP, graduated at Harvard Business School, a????ended at Harvard Law School and member of YPO.


  •   Leader’s League – Wealth Management (2022)

  •   The Legal 500 – Wealth and Succession Planning (2022)